Who we are
Christian fellowship Ostrava is a local church of christians, who have the Bible as foundation of their lives and profess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.
Our church is part of Christian fellowships in Czech republic which is a partnership of independent christian churches and groups which are conected by collective registration and shared opinion on that what is important for good-working church. Christian fellowships were estabilished in 1990 and nowadays associate more than 30 churches and groups.
Our church cooperates with other churches in Ostrava and support everyone who offers biblical solution from this world from current crisis. We are also member of Czech evangelical alliance (ČEA).
We believe that everyone has some gifts from God and those gifts can use for serving God and people. We consider membership in church as expresion of relationship with God and people in church. We think it is important that every member is active in church life. Our church is led by elders and the head of the church is a pastor. The church is financially independent and it is financed by voluntary colections and gifts from its members and friends.
Sunday services
Our fellowship meets every Sunday, usually at 9:30 a.m. in our church building V Zálomu in Ostrava – Pískové Doly. The services are open to the general public and are attended by both Christians and other people who want to learn about God.
Please see the Calendar of Events for the current schedule of gatherings.
Where to find us?
You can find us at V Zálomu 1, Ostrava Pískové Doly. It’s rear entrance to the building. Look at the map…
Public transport:
Buses number 48 and 57 to the bus stop Pískové Doly.
By tram 2, 7 to the Karpatská stop or tram 7, 11, 17, 18 to Ferona.
By tram 2, 7 to the Karpatská stop or tram 7, 11, 17, 18 to Ferona.
It is also possible to park near the building.
Small groups
In addition to Sunday services, an important part of our fellowship is meeting during the week in small groups. Current small groups you can find here.
What we believe?
Our main goal is share with people the good news about Gods love to humans. This good news is written in the Bible, especially in four gospels: gospels create basis of the new testament which is for us the most important part of the Bible.
Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to Corinthians (1. Cor. 15,3-8): „I told you the most important part of the message exactly as it was told to me. This part is: Christ died for our sins, as the Scriptures say. He was buried, and three days later he was raised to life, as the Scriptures say. Christ appeared to Peter, then to the twelve. After this, he appeared to more than five hundred other followers. Most of them are still alive, but some have died. He also appeared to James, then to all of the apostles. Finally, he appeared to me, even though I am like someone who was born at the wrong time.“
Jesus is alive also nowadays and 2000 years ago he died for me and for You in order to our sins can be forgiven. Jesus said it similarly. And his words wrote his disciple John (Gospel of John, 3,16): „God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die.“
Church office and church leaders
Adress of church:
V Zálomu 1, Ostrava Pískové doly
e-mail: ostrava@kaes.cz
Church leaders:
Pavel Kolegar, pastor
Vít Šmajstrla, assistance pastor and member of elders
Toník Kratochvíl, member of elders
Marek Bužga, member of elders
David Ides, member of elders
Tomáš Daněk, member of elders
Vít Šmajstrla, assistance pastor and member of elders
Toník Kratochvíl, member of elders
Marek Bužga, member of elders
David Ides, member of elders
Tomáš Daněk, member of elders
IČO: 73631191
Bank account: 63537761/0100
Church is a part of „Křesťanská společenství v ČR“ (link: www.kaes.cz)
Teaching and preaching
Preach the gospel, affect unaffected, teach people – it is on of the basic task which church received of its Master Jesus Christ. Intrepretation of the biblical message is an important part of the church life. And not only during sunday church services but also on the meetings during the weeks. We study the Bible and we try to understand the Bible and use it in our lives; we encourage people to search the true, to discuss and to improve their opinions. We also organise lectures and discussions, public reading and film clubs where we are trying to answer current questions and show the way of faith.
Worship and music
Worshiping God is an attitude which we answer God to his love which we recieved from Him. Worshiping, prayers and praise are expresion of our close relationship with God – we expect that He will speak to us as to his children and his power will be changing our lives. Joy, music, singing, dancing and creativity are then important part of our church services.
Families and children
Family is very important for healthy mental and spiritual life. Children are blessing and the gift from God and it is the reason why we organise our meeting and services with special program for children. We want to help people to find biblical values of family life, matimonial loyalty and parental responsibilty. During sonday church services children can go to the „Sonday school“ which is program for children for various age groups. We teach children to develop christian values in their lives and to develop their personal relationship with God.
Royal Rangers
„In everything I do to others what I want them to do to me.“ That is the main motto of Royal Rangers. The objective of Royal Rangers is help children to meaningfully use their free time and teach them how to cope with their future life well. Among activities of 42nd outpost of Royal Rangers belong camping, sport, archery, hiking, cryptography, bible study and much more. The flashpoint of yearlong work is the summer camp which takes place in forrests of „Moravsky kras“.
Meetings are every wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m. We works with free age groupes. Ranger Kids (6-8 years), Discovery Rangers (9-11 years) and Adventure Rangers (12-14 years).
Adress of our clubroom: V Zálomu 1, Ostrava – Zábřeh (Pískové doly)
Link to our website: www.ostrava.royalrangers.cz
Link to website of Royal Rangers in Czech Republic: www.royalrangers.cz
The Youth
Games and fun, getting to know the Bible, tearoom, concerts, collective trips – for young people from church and those who doesnt anything about God…The youth events provide safety christian environment and space for spiritual growth, possibility to learn to be responsible for own spiritual life, follow Jesus absolutely and find own place at the church. All incoming at the age of 14-20 years are welcome.
Young life
Young Life is a dynamic, non-profit, Christian organization that offers a wide variety of programs for young people in their free time. During our organized and spontaneous activities, such as language camps, outdoor and sports events, clubs and creative activities, we lead young people to the revival of Christian values and thus contribute to building their self-esteem, strengthening their resistance to negative influences and helping to develop their personality. Qualified adult leaders listen, guide and support young people during adolescence through friendship relationships. In cooperation with schools and partner organizations we support the teaching of English with native speakers. Young Life has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1992 and is part of a global organization that originated in the US in 1941.
What we want?
We bring to people joyful news about live realationship with God by personal recognition of Jesus Christ. We want to give an oportunity to all people to recognise that Jesus words are true: „I am the way, the true and the life“. We offer a hope to people – Jesus Christ is alive and his word is powerful. He is ready to help everybody who wants – even in the 21st century. Life without God means lose of sense of life and desperation and in the end it means destruction for an individual and also for whole society. Life with Jesus is real alternative which gives life a sense. We want to do what Jesus did in the power of the Holy Spirit: Every christian is called to take part in the church ministry, share the gospel, help the poor people, free chained people (for example from addictions). Jan Amos Komensky, one of the most important people in Czech history, said: „Czech nation, come back to Christ!“ Today we consider it as an urgent challenge.
What we believe?
Our main goal is share with people the good news about Gods love to humans. This good news is written in the Bible, especially in four gospels: gospels create basis of the new testament which is for us the most important part of the Bible.
Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to Corinthians (1. Cor. 15,3-8): „I told you the most important part of the message exactly as it was told to me. This part is: Christ died for our sins, as the Scriptures say. He was buried, and three days later he was raised to life, as the Scriptures say. Christ appeared to Peter, then to the twelve. After this, he appeared to more than five hundred other followers. Most of them are still alive, but some have died. He also appeared to James, then to all of the apostles. Finally, he appeared to me, even though I am like someone who was born at the wrong time.“
Jesus is alive also nowadays and 2000 years ago he died for me and for You in order to our sins can be forgiven. Jesus said it similarly. And his words wrote his disciple John (Gospel of John, 3,16): „God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die.“